Click here for some great instructions on how to add social media icons to the Elegant Theme’s DIVI theme. It does take some technical know how. Here’s some abbreviated instructions. In the style.css is the list of codes: .et-social-facebook a.icon:before { content: ‘\e093‘; } .et-social-twitter a.icon:before { content: ‘\e094‘; } .et-social-google-plus a.icon:before { content: ‘\e096‘; } .et-social-pinterest a.icon:before { content: ‘\e095‘; } .et-social-linkedin a.icon:before { content: ‘\e09d‘; } .et-social-tumblr a.icon:before { content: ‘\e097‘; } .et-social-instagram a.icon:before { content: ‘\e09a‘; } .et-social-skype a.icon:before { content: ‘\e0a2‘; } .et-social-flikr a.icon:before { content: ‘\e0a6‘; } .et-social-myspace a.icon:before { content: ‘\e0a1‘; } .et-social-dribbble a.icon:before { content: ‘\e09b‘; } .et-social-youtube a.icon:before { content: ‘\e0a3‘; } .et-social-vimeo a.icon:before { content: ‘\e09c‘; } .et-social-rss a.icon:before { content: ‘\e09e‘; } In the includes/social_icons.php file ..
Category : WordPress Themes
Are you looking to hide a featured image in a single post on WordPress? There are several ways to hide a featured image in a WordPress single post. Here are a few methods: Using a Plugin: One of the easiest ways is using a plugin like ‘Conditionally Display Featured Image’. This plugin allows you to ..
Add the following code in your child theme style sheet. #main-header { box-shadow: 0 0px 0; -moz-box-shadow: 0 0px 0; -webkit-box-shadow: ..
With the latest version of DIVI, you do not have to add Google Fonts. Google Fonts are available in DIVI by default for any module with text. If you want the latest Google Fonts library, you can enter the Google API key to update automatically. For more information, please refer to the Elegant Themes blog ..
With this DIVI Custom Login plugin, you can also customize it with thin lines and gradient ba..
Do you need your logo to overlap your header and/or main area? The blog post “The Overlapping Divi Logo” offers a step-by-step guide on creating an overlapping effect for the logo when using the Divi theme on a WordPress website. The overlapping logo effect is a popular design trend that can give a unique and ..
The following code was tested with DIVI 4.8.2 in the child theme footer ..
DIVI is a WordPress Theme Created by Elegant Themes.
/* ——HIDE WOOCOMMERCE SHOP PAGE SIDEBAR——– */ div#left-area {width: 100% !important;} div#sidebar { display: none;} .et_right_sidebar #main-content .container:before {display: none;} NOTE: This example is used with WordPress, Elegant Themes D..