Capture attention and make a lasting impression with responsive web design on a desktop, tablet or smartphone. You can do this with media queries. Media queries are a type of coding technique that allows webpages to change their look and feel depending on the device they’re being viewed on. With media queries, you can create ..
Category : Web Programming Languages
This CSS code fixes the AtoZ form height in the Elementor HTML Code module. It has not been tested elsewhere but should work with a few modifications. .elementor-1046 .elementor-element.elementor-element-a29aeb7,.a2zform .elementor-widget-container{height: 100% !i..
I really like the DIVI Accordion, but by default, the first accordion is open when the page loads. A website looks cleaner if all accordions are closed when the page loads. In Elegant Themes FAQs and Troubleshooting, I found an article Make DIVI Accordions Closed by Default, which you can refer to for complete instructions. ..
Here’s a javascript you can use to automatically complete WooCommerc orders from any status. This example uses the ‘processing’ status. add_action(‘woocommerce_order_status_changed’, ‘ts_auto_complete_virtual’); function ts_auto_complete_virtual($order_id) { if ( ! $order_id ) { return; } global $product; $order = wc_get_order( $order_id ); if ($order->data[‘status’] == ‘processing’) { $virtual_order = null; if ( count( $order->get_items() ) > 0 ..
You may need to pass a subscriber email address to a form. You can do this using URL parameters. In the blog post How to pass a Subscriber Email Address to a Form using URL Parameters. it gives you step-by-step instructions. It w..
I needed to hide the first value in my dropdown list only on one page because it was not applicable. I used this on DIVI with Formidable PRO and it worked great. I just put the CSS in the Custom CSS. I wanted to hide the first value. I also wanted to do it for ..
This css trick is very handy to hide something when logged in. I used it for this. When you’re not logged in, you see the login form, but when you’re logged in, you see the logged in info. I wanted to hide this. I use DIVI, so wanted to hide a row module, but you ..
In WordPress to remove the divider line between the main content and sidebar area, you need to write the following css in the Customize > Additional CSS section. @media (min-width: 981px) { #main-content .container:before {display: none !important;} } I found this information from this YouTube video: NOTE: YouTube video example uses DIVI theme. I ..
Here’s a link to how to add font awesome icons to your menu. It saves memory because it doesn’t use a plugin and also looks professional. How to Add Icons to Custom WordPress Menus Without Plugins I tried it on a DIVI website and had to add the following css. Keep in mind your menu ..