To add member access to your Cloudflare account, follow these steps:
- Log in to the Cloudflare dashboard.
- On the left-side menu, click on Manage Account > Members
- On the Manage Account > Members page, click on the invite button.
- Add member’s email addresses.
- If the member already has a Cloudflare account, you can click “Direct add” to add the member to your account without requiring an email invitation; a username and password will be created for them automatically.
- If the member does not have a Cloudflare account, an email invitation will be sent to them with instructions on creating an account and joining your account as a member.
- Once the member has accepted the invitation and joined your account, you can assign them specific permissions by clicking on their name in the Members list.
For security reasons, carefully considering which permissions you assign to each member is important.
Please note that the new member must accept the email invitation to join your account.
It’s also important to note that you can edit or revoke their permissions and access anytime.