Category : Social Media

LinkedIn image size is the same as Facebook image size when you share a website link.  It’s 1200×628.  Usually, it would be a logo image.  You would place it in the header using the “og:image” property.  For example: <html prefix=”og:”> <head> <title>The Rock (1996)</title> <meta property=”og:title” content=”The Rock” /> <meta property=”og:type” content=”” /> <meta ..

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Click here for some great instructions on how to add social media icons to the Elegant Theme’s DIVI theme. It does take some technical know how.  Here’s some abbreviated instructions. In the style.css is the list of codes: .et-social-facebook a.icon:before { content: ‘\e093‘; } .et-social-twitter a.icon:before { content: ‘\e094‘; } .et-social-google-plus a.icon:before { content: ‘\e096‘; } .et-social-pinterest a.icon:before { content: ‘\e095‘; } .et-social-linkedin a.icon:before { content: ‘\e09d‘; } .et-social-tumblr a.icon:before { content: ‘\e097‘; } .et-social-instagram a.icon:before { content: ‘\e09a‘; } .et-social-skype a.icon:before { content: ‘\e0a2‘; } .et-social-flikr a.icon:before { content: ‘\e0a6‘; } .et-social-myspace a.icon:before { content: ‘\e0a1‘; } .et-social-dribbble a.icon:before { content: ‘\e09b‘; } .et-social-youtube a.icon:before { content: ‘\e0a3‘; } .et-social-vimeo a.icon:before { content: ‘\e09c‘; } .et-social-rss a.icon:before { content: ‘\e09e‘; } In the includes/social_icons.php file ..

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Buffer – helps you manage multiple social media accounts at once. Quickly schedule content from anywhere on the web, collaborate with team members, and analyze rich statistics on how your post..

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